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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Malaysia-Malacca-Bukit Serindit Park-lotus pond

A close enlarged view of a single lotus bud in bloom

What a beautiful sight!I caught a few photos of the lotus buds still blooming in the pond.If you are in Malacca Town ,do visit this recreation park and take a look.
The beauties are in the pond alongside the paved avenue.

The lotus plant grows in muddy waters.Its root can be eaten.Usually it is boiled as lotus root and groundnut soup sometimes with red dates added and with some lean meat or chicken bones.Some restaurants soften the sliced roots and fry a vegetarian dish together with some other vegetables,almonds etc.
The seeds which are left in the pods are also edible .
However I am no expert at the species which are edible or if all are.This is just a sharing at my level as a day to day consumer of market produce.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. Very nice pictures of the lotus. Thank you for sharing. Would you happen to know if they sell lotus tubers there? Hope to hear from you. Thank you.
